Plants photographed on Kyffhäuser
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Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. var. rostrata Brenan

Acacia senegal var rostrata


Family: Fabaceae
Full name: Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. var. rostrata Brenan
Location: Kyffhäuser (2416AD + 2416CB)
ID status: Fairly certain
Afrikaans common name(s): Driehaakdoring, Driedoringakasia
English common name(s): Bushy three-hook thorn, Bushy three-hook thorn acacia, Three-hook acacia, Threehookthorn
Synonym(s): Acacia oxyosprion Chiov. var. oxyosprion
Acacia rostrata Sim
Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. subsp. trispinosa auct. - sensu Roberty p.p. quoad specimen Dinter 222 et Rogers 6266
Acacia spinosa Marloth & Engl. - non A. spinosa E.Mey.-- nom.illegit.
Acacia trispinosa Marloth & Engl. - non A. trispinosa Stokes. Type as A.spinosa Marloth & Engl.-- nom.illegit.
Acacia volkii Suess.
Status: Native
Description: Low spreading, flat-topped shrub, usually less than 4 m tall. Hooked prickles in threes at the nodes; lateral prickles pointing down, the middle one pointing upwards. Leaves c. 5 x 3 cm with 4-6 pairs of pinnae, bearing pale green leaflets. Flowers in axillary spikes, white. Pod short and broad, up to c. 7 x 3 cm with a conspicuous tip at the apex, flat, papery, straw-coloured, dehiscent. (from Flora of Zimbabwe website)

Either a shrub branching at or close to the base or a small tree with a single central stem, 1-4(6) m high; crown dense, flattened; bark normally with a flaking papery peel, creamy-yellow to yellow-green or grey-brown. Inflorescence-axis always pubescent. Pods 2-31, 2 times as long as wide, very rarely more, 2.3-8.5 x 1.6-2.9 cm, usually rostrate or acuminate at the apex. (from JSTOR Global Plants website / Flora Zambesiaca)
Link(s) African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science
Kew Herbarium Catalogue
BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium
Züricher Herbarien
iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer)
iNaturalist (Namibia)
iNaturalist (southern Africa)
Flora of Zimbabwe
Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie
Tree Atlas of Namibia
Photographer: AA Dreyer
Date of photograph: 21 Dec 2008
Camera make: Canon
Camera model: PowerShot A700
Lens aperture: f/4.0
Shutter speed: 1/500 s
ISO speed: -
Content last updated: 18 Apr 2024

Note: The identification of some of the plants on this website is not 100% certain. Any comments will be highly appreciated. I would also be willing to supply higher resolution images upon request. Please contact me at the e-mail address given below.

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