Home | > | Flora | > | List of families | > | List of genera | > | List of species | > | Fabaceae / Indigastrum argyroides / Image 1 |
Family: | Fabaceae |
Full name: | Indigastrum argyroides (E.Mey.) Schrire |
Location: | Kyffhäuser (2416AD + 2416CB) |
ID status: | ID not 100% certain |
Afrikaans common name(s): | - |
English common name(s): | - |
Synonym(s): | Indigofera argyroides E.Mey. Indigofera engleri Baker f. Indigofera saxicola Engl. |
Status: | Native |
Description: | Annual, strigoso-canescent; stem diffuse or suberect, angular; leaves on longish petioles, pinnately bi-trifoliolate; leaflets rhomboid-obovate or ovate, mucronulate, the terminal petiolate, much larger than the lateral; racemes spicate, subsessile, shorter than the leaf, densely flowered; calyx white hairy, its segments acuminate; petals glabrous; legumes crowded, deflexed, terete-subcompressed, slightly curved, albo-pilose, several seeded. Branches flexuous, angularly compressed. Petiole uncial, prolonged 3–4 lines beyond the first pair of leaflets. Lateral leaflets 4–5 lines long, 3–4 lines wide; terminal 6–10 lines long, 5–8 lines wide, flat, pale green above, white beneath, thinly covered on both sides with appressed, white hairs. Peduncles 1/2–1 uncial, 10–15 flowered. Flowers small. Legumes scarcely uncial (bent like a hook at the end). In Mr. Wyley's specimens one of the lateral leaflets is frequently absent. (from JSTOR Global Plants website / Flora Capensis) Annual, 0.2–0.5 m tall, stems prostrate, covering of appressed strigose hairs. Leaves unifoliolate or pinnately 2- or 3-foliolate with lateral leafl ets subopposite to alternate, terminal leafl et broadly rhomboid-obovate to orbicular. Flowers in congested axillary racemes, shorter than to ± equal to the subtending leaf, purplish, stamens ± as long as calyx. Sept.–May. Alluvial sands, dry riverbeds and open stony areas, SN, G (Namibia through to Sperrgebiet and Richtersveld). (from Strelitzia 30) |
Link(s) |
African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science Kew Herbarium Catalogue BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium Züricher Herbarien iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer) iNaturalist (Namibia) iNaturalist (southern Africa) Flora of Zimbabwe Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie Tree Atlas of Namibia |
Photographer: | AA Dreyer |
Date of photograph: | 20 Dec 2008 |
Camera make: | Canon |
Camera model: | PowerShot A700 |
Lens aperture: | f/4.0 |
Shutter speed: | 1/100 s |
ISO speed: | - |
Content last updated: | 18 Apr 2024 |
Home | > | Flora | > | List of families | > | List of genera | > | List of species | > | Fabaceae / Indigastrum argyroides / Image 1 |