Home | > | Flora | > | List of families | > | List of genera | > | List of species | > | Rubiaceae / Kohautia cynanchica / Image 4 |
Family: | Rubiaceae |
Full name: | Kohautia cynanchica DC. |
Location: | Kyffhäuser (2416AD + 2416CB) |
ID status: | Fairly certain |
Afrikaans common name(s): | Aandblommetjie, Aandblom |
English common name(s): | - |
Synonym(s): | Hedyotis cynanchica (DC.) Steud. Hedyotis longiflora (DC.) Steud. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 91 (1989) Hedyotis rigida (Benth.) Walp. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 91 (1989) Hedyotis stricta Sond. - sensu Sonder in Harv. & Sond., F. C 3: 11 (1865) quoad spec. citata.-- insufficiently known sp. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 91 (1989) Kohautia desertorum Welw. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 92 (1989) Kohautia gracilifolia Bremek. Kohautia longiflora DC. Kohautia omahekensis (K.Krause) Bremek. Kohautia raphidophylla Bremek. Kohautia rigida Benth. Kohautia thymifolia C.Presl ex Bremek. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 92 (1989) Oldenlandia breviflora Chiov. Oldenlandia calcitrapifolia Pearson ex Bremek. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 92 (1989) Oldenlandia cynanchica (DC.) K.Schum. ex Kuntze Oldenlandia graminifolia Chiov. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 92 (1989) Oldenlandia neglecta Schinz fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 92 (1989) Oldenlandia omahekensis K.Krause Oldenlandia rigida (Benth.) Hiern Oldenlandia stricta K.Schum. - sensu Wordsworth, Hutch., F. Bolus & L. Bolus in Ann. Bol. Herb. 3: 23 (1923)-- insufficiently known sp. fide Fl. Zambes. 5(1): 92 (1989) |
Status: | Native |
Description: | Erect or suberect wiry annual or perennial herb, up to 60 cm. Stems somewhat quadrangular, mostly hairless but with sparse rounded papillae along the ridges. Leaves opposite, often appearing whorled due to extra short shoot leaves, filiform to narrowly linear, up to 5 cm long, mostly hairless but with loosely arranged papillae; margin often rolled under. Flowers in loose branched heads. Corolla lobes usually 4, white, cream or rarely mauve-pink above, reddish-brown or olive-brown underneath and on the corolla tube; sweetly scented in the late afternoon and evening. (from Flora of Zimbabwe website) Annual or perennial occasionally suffrutescent erect to suberect herbs or rarely small dwarf shrubs (6)10–60(100) cm tall, with woody base to 5(10) mm in diam.; stems quadrangular, papillose, scabrid or glabrous, becoming glabrous towards the top, often with sparse rounded papillae along ridges. Leaves (10)16–40(65) x (0.4)0.6–1.5(2) mm, filiform to narrowly linear, rarely narrowly linear-lanceolate, apex acute, very slightly narrowed to the base, margins mostly revolute, glabrous or lower surfaces especially midrib and margins with rounded loosely arranged papillae, numerous short shoot leaves often giving nodes a fasciculate appearance; stipular sheath (0.5)0.6–1.5(1.7) mm long, glabrous, stipular lobes 0.4–1.2(2) mm long. Inflorescences spreading, 1 or mostly 2 flowers at a node, one subsessile, the other pseudo-pedicellate; peduncles (2) 10–45 mm long; pseudo-pedicels 3–12(20) mm long; glabrous, scabrid or verrucosely papillose. Calyx tube (0.8)1–1.6(1.8) x (0.7)1–1.5(1.7) mm, hemispherical to ovoid, glabrous or minutely verrucose; lobes (0.5)1–2(2.5) mm long and 0.2–0.6 mm wide at the base, broadly to narrowly triangular, rarely ovate-lanceolate, glabrous or scabrid with minute papillae along margins and midribs or minutely verrucose occasionally with short filiform elements on either side. Flowers scented during late afternoon and evening; corolla lobes above white, cream, more rarely pinkish mauve, tube and lobes darker below—brown, reddish brown, olive green, olive brown or dirty cream, glabrous or outside of dilated tube and midvein on back of lobes with sparse small round papillae; tube altogether (8.5)9.6–14.2(16) mm long, the widened part (1.4)1.5–2.6(3.4) x 1–1.8(2) mm, the narrow part (0.4)0.5–1 mm wide; lobes 2.8–5.8(7) x (0.8)1–2(2.5) mm, narrowly oblong to ovate, not quite parted to the base, acute. Anthers narrowly ovate, c. 1–2.2 mm long, often sterile, connectives darkly discoloured; pollen 3- (very rarely 4-)colporate. Style 1.5–2.6 mm long; stigma lobes 1.4–2.6 mm long. Capsules (1)2.2–3 x (2.2)2.8–3.8(4.3) mm, obconic-hemispherical rarely subglobose, glabrous or slightly scabrid. Seeds brown c. 0.6 mm long, angular-subconic. (from JSTOR Global Plants website) |
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African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science Kew Herbarium Catalogue BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium Züricher Herbarien iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer) iNaturalist (Namibia) iNaturalist (southern Africa) Flora of Zimbabwe Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie Tree Atlas of Namibia |
Photographer: | AA Dreyer |
Date of photograph: | 04 Mar 2012 |
Camera make: | Panasonic |
Camera model: | DMC-FZ45 |
Lens aperture: | f/2.8 |
Shutter speed: | 1/60 s |
ISO speed: | 160 |
Content last updated: | 18 Apr 2024 |
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