Home | > | Flora | > | List of families | > | List of genera | > | List of species | > | Asteraceae / Tripteris microcarpa subsp microcarpa / Image 4 |
Family: | Asteraceae |
Full name: | Tripteris microcarpa Harv. subsp. microcarpa |
Location: | Kyffhäuser (2416AD + 2416CB) |
ID status: | Fairly certain |
Afrikaans common name(s): | - |
English common name(s): | - |
Synonym(s): | Osteospermum microcarpum (Harv.) Norl. subsp. microcarpum Osteospermum odoratum Klatt Tripteris amplexicaulis (Thunb.) Less. var. microtis DC. Tripteris glandulosa Muschl. Tripteris microtis (DC.) Hutch. Tripteris namaquensis Schltr. |
Status: | Native |
Description: | Alle oder fast alle Achaenen gefluegelt. Zungenblueten zumindest oberseits strets gelb. Achaenen an der Spitze mit einer Hoehlung, diese meist mit drei Fenstern; wenn ohne oder nur mit einem Fenster, dann Pflanzen stets einjaehrerig. Achaenen mit 3 Fenster. Achaenen 4 - 6mm lang. Zungenbluetten die Huelle 2-3-fach ueberragend. Huellblaetter ca. 20-30, lineal-lanzettlich bis lanzettlich, 4-6mm lang. Blätter lanzettlich bis breit-elliptisch, grob gezähnt bis fast fieder-schnittig, krautig, dicht drüsig behaart bis verkahlend. Krautige bis halbstrauchige Pflanzen, unten meist wenig verzweigt, 30-150 cm hoch. Ältere Teile häufig verkahlend; zumindest die unteren Blätter breit-lanzettlich bis fast rhombisch, grob buchtig gezähnt bis fast fieder-schnittig. Hüllblätter ca. 20. (from Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika, Merxmueller, 1972) All or almost all of the achenes winged. Ray florets, at least on top, are always yellow. Achenes at the top with a cavity, these usually with three windows; if there is no or only one window, then plants are always annual. Achenes with 3 windows. Achenes 4 mm - 6 mm long, ray florets much longer than envelope. Bracts ca. 20 - 30, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate 4 mm - 6 mm long. Leaves lanceolate to broad-elliptical, large toothed to nearly pinnate (feather shaped). Herbaceous to semi shrub plant, mostly not very branched at the bottom, 30 cm - 150 cm high. Older parts often hairless (balding); at least the lower leaves are broadly lanceolate to almost rhombic, roughly dentate to almost pinnate. Bracts approx. 20. (from Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika, Merxmueller, 1972) A multi-stemmed, medium sized shrub, approximately 50 cm high. Leaves are larger and denser towards the base of the stems. They are long, thin and folded. Flowers are bright yellow and daisy-like. The plant has hairs all over the stems and leaves, they also secrete a very sticky, strong-smelling substance. (from Namibrand website) |
Link(s) |
African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science Kew Herbarium Catalogue BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium Züricher Herbarien iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer) iNaturalist (Namibia) iNaturalist (southern Africa) Flora of Zimbabwe Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie Tree Atlas of Namibia |
Photographer: | AA Dreyer |
Date of photograph: | 03 May 2008 |
Camera make: | Canon |
Camera model: | PowerShot A700 |
Lens aperture: | f/4.0 |
Shutter speed: | 1/400 s |
ISO speed: | - |
Content last updated: | 18 Apr 2024 |
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