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Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt

Peristrophe paniculata


Family: Acanthaceae
Full name: Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt
Location: Farm Urikos (2416AC)
ID status: Fairly certain
Afrikaans common name(s): -
English common name(s): Panicled peristrophe
Synonym(s): Dianthera bicalyculata Retz.
Dianthera malabarica L.f.
Dianthera paniculata Forssk.
Justicia bicalyculata (Retz.) Vahl
Justicia ligulata Lam.
Justicia malabarica (L.f.) W.T.Aiton
Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees
Peristrophe bicalyculata Retz.
Peristrophe doriae A.Terracc.
Peristrophe kotschyana Nees
Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh.
Status: Native
Description: Flowers solitary, corolla tubular, tube ±5 mm long, two-lipped, violet, lower lip larger, with two stamens attached, throat white with dark purple markings.

Annual herb, up to 35–120 cm tall or more; stems erect, sharply 6-angled, sparsely to densely hairy with up to 2 mm long spreading hairs. Leaf-blades narrowly ovate with prominent veins, at least up to 40 x 14 mm, subglabrous, apex acuminate, base attenuate; petiole up to c. 2–12 mm long. Primary inflorescences arranged in lax axillary cymes spread along the stems, the entire plant looking like a lax inflorescence; leaves of the inflorescence gradually smaller towards the apex of the branches, uppermost ones narrowly triangular-subulate with a thin white margin, c. 4–5 x 0.5 mm; bracts markedly unequal, linear-subulate, up to c. 12 mm, enlarging up to c. 15–20 mm in fruit; bracteoles lanceolate-subulate, up to c. 7 mm long, about as long as calyx. Calyx subglabrous; lobes linear-subulate with a thin white margin, up to c. 6–7 x 1 mm. Flowers pink, c. 12–14 mm long; tube c. 5 mm long; lips up to c. 7 mm long. Capsule 8–9 mm long. Seeds with shortly-stalked small papillae concentrated to the edge. (from JSTOR Global Plants website / Flora Somalia)

An erect to spreading, upto 1 m tall hairy herb with sharply 4-6-angled stems. Leaves on 1-1.7 cm long petioles; lamina ovate-elliptic to lanceolate, 4-6 x 1.5-4 cm, densely lineolate, pubescent especially on nerves beneath, basally rounded to acute, acute to acuminate at the apex. Flowers pedicellate, pink or purple, in a terminal or axillary lax panicle of cymes; bracts 2, linear-spathulate, much unequal, 7-15 mm long, acute; bracteoles in 2 valvate pairs, unequal-subequal, scarious on margins, acute. Calyx lobes linear, c. 3.5-4 mm long, hairy, acute, valvate. Corolla tube cylindrical, 4-5 mm long, lips subequal, puberulous; upper lip elliptic-oblong, 5-7 mm long, entire or notched; lower lip slightly longer than upper, deflexed, slightly crested with 3 acte lobes. Staminal filaments c. 5 mm long, hairy. Ovary oblong, apically pubescent; style c. 1 cm long. Capsule ellipsoid, 1-1.2 cm long, basally solid ad hairy, acuminate. Seeds orbicular, c. 2.5 mm across, minutely papillate. (from Flora of Pakistan website)
Link(s) African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science
Kew Herbarium Catalogue
BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium
Züricher Herbarien
iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer)
iNaturalist (Namibia)
iNaturalist (southern Africa)
Flora of Zimbabwe
Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie
Tree Atlas of Namibia
Photographer: AA Dreyer
Date of photograph: 30 Apr 2011
Camera make: Panasonic
Camera model: DMC-FZ45
Lens aperture: f/5.6
Shutter speed: 1/500 s
ISO speed: 80
Content last updated: 18 Apr 2024

Note: The identification of some of the plants on this website is not 100% certain. Any comments will be highly appreciated. I would also be willing to supply higher resolution images upon request. Please contact me at the e-mail address given below.

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